10 Minute Tofish

This tofish recipe is a revelation as it really only takes 10 minutes! Lovely chunky tofu wrapped in seaweed and covered in crispy beer batter… perfect for evenings when you’re short of time and need some comfort food! If you need a gluten-free batter then see our alternative tofish recipe 🙂
Total time
- mains
- lunches
Beer Batter
- 400g/3 cups plain flour
- 3 tsp baking powder
- 550ml/2⅓ cups vegan beer (chilled)
- 2 tsp salt
- Vegetable oil for deep frying
- 500g/2 cups firm tofu
- 10g (around 3 large sheets) toasted nori sheets (eg Clearspring or look in Asian shops/supermarkets or look in major supermarket world sections)
- Lemon wedges for serving
Optional serving suggestions
- Chips, lemon wedges, coleslaw, peas, mushy peas, vegan mayo, tartar sauce, tomato sauce. Or for healthier options serve with quinoa and salad. For quick sides, use convenience versions of all options mentioned.
- Heat a large saucepan (just under) half full of vegetable oil on a medium heat or around 180˚C and while you’re waiting for it to heat up, start making everything else.
- Drain and press the water out of the tofu (using kitchen roll) and cut it into slices around 0.5cm thick.
- Tear off pieces of seaweed to wrap the tofu in (you don’t need to be too careful or accurate about this). You might need a bit of water to stick it down. Set aside.
- Mix the plain flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl and then when fully combined whisk in the beer.
- Dip the tofu slices into the batter and lower carefully into the hot oil. Fry until crisp and golden.
- Repeat this stage until all pieces are cooked.
- Squeeze fresh lemon over the top and serve with optional serving suggestions. Enjoy 🙂
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