French Toast made with vegan egg

There are several ways to make vegan French Toast, including our tasty, tofu-based French Toast recipe
Alternatively, try this version, which uses a vegan egg alternative such as The Vegg or Follow Your Heart’s VeganEgg. These are mainly available online but keep checking the health food shops and supermarkets!
Total time
15 minutes
- breakfasts
- 1 quantity of vegan egg, made up according to the packet instructions.
- Oil for frying, preferably plain vegetable
- 2 slices of bread
- Salt & pepper
- Make up the vegan egg mixture according to packet instructions.
- Pour the mixture into a rectangular oven dish, big enough to lay both pieces of bread in, so they soak it up. Turn the bread over so both sides become covered with the mix.
- Fry each piece of bread in 1 tsbp of oil on a medium heat for a few minutes, turning several times, so both sides are golden brown and crispy. Press the slices down with a spatula to squeeze out any excess liquid and ensure they are cooked all the way through. Cook the slices one at a time if your pan isn’t big enough. Cover with a lid if they split at the beginning. Serve with brown or tomato sauce and seasoning.
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