Garlic Mushrooms with Options

Garlic Mushrooms with Options

A favourite Viva! breakfast… We tend to have this on toast but it could also be served as part of a cooked Full Vegan. Or to make it into the Garlic Mushroom & Marinated Tofu Wrap, see below!

Using white value mushrooms makes this more economical but if you can find bargain portobellos (the big mushrooms) or chestnut mushroomss, go for it!

To convert this into the Garlic Mushroom & Marinated Tofu Wrap option, just add some Cauldron marinated pieces or chopped Taifun smoked tofu to the mushroom mixture at the end of cooking and warm through. Oven-warm or microwave some wraps and place a dollop of mixture into each wrap that you’re serving.

Gluten free
Wheat free
Reduced sugar, diabetic friendly
Quick meal
Low fat, low sugar
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Total time

8 minutes


  • breakfasts
  • lunches
  • sides-light-meals-and-salads
  • vegetable-side-dishes




  • Olive oil or other oil of your choice (or a mixture of olive oil and vegan butter, eg Biona, Suma, Pure margarine etc)
  • 200g mushrooms per person – see above
  • 1-2 fat cloves garlic per person – OR garlic purée from a tube/jar
  • Soya sauce to flavour

Optional extras – one or two of these might be nice…

  • Good bread, lightly toasted – eg home-sliced wholemeal, rye, overnight dough or something like that
  • A dollop of Dijon or wholegrain mustard (about 1-2 tsp per person);
  • A light dusting of ground nutmeg
  • A glug of vegan cream, eg Alpro or Oatly or natural soya yoghurt (Sojade is sugar-free)
  • 1 pinch chilli flakes if you like a bit of heat…
  • A sprinkling of nutritional yeast flakes
  • A handful of pumpkin seeds
  • A sprinkling of scissor-chopped tarragon, chives or parsley
  • A sprinkling of crushed pink peppercorns
  • ½ tsp smoked paprika

Chopping board & knife; wok or frying pan; garlic crusher if using fresh garlic; fish slice or something similar to stir



  1. If using small mushrooms, wipe clean quickly or just quickly rinse under the tap to dislodge the bits of earth. Then break up with your fingers – yes, you can slice them but it’s time-consuming.
  2. If using bigger mushrooms, slice into big chunks with the knife.
  3. Heat the oil or oil/margarine mixture in the pan. Add the mushrooms and let them cook until golden, stirring occasionally. Put the toast on now if using.
  4. Add the chopped or crushed garlic – or purée if using – and cook in, stirring for a minute or two so it doesn’t catch and burn. Add any of the options from the list you fancy. Drizzle in the soya sauce and mix in well.
  5. Serve hot on toast if that’s what you’re having. If you’re using the wrap version, heat the wraps up, heat through the tofu with the mushroom mixture and serve.

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