Nutty Butter Toast

OK, so we all know about peanut butter, right? But there is a whole world of nut and seed butters waiting to be explored! AND we’ve included a nut-free option, see below.
Cashew, almond, tahini (sesame), hemp, sunflower are just some of those on offer. Then there are the mixed nut/seed butters…
Similarly with bread – go for the best you can afford, preferably wholemeal – and if you’re really into it, buy a breadmaker or just make it the traditional way. It’s light years away from Hovis brown! If you’re allergic to wheat, there are plenty of good alternatives – spelt, rye and more – and for the coeliacs or gluten-allergic, there is a much better range out there and improving all the time, just check there is no added egg.
Nut and seed butter lowdown
All these butters are a fantastic source of good fats, protein and more. There is also a choice of raw butters – ie the nuts aren’t roasted – or the more traditional roasted versions.
- For those of you with nut allergies – or school-age kids who aren’t allowed to take nuts into school – there is even ‘WowButter’ sold in Tesco et al – it’s a nut free ‘peanut butter’ alternative that even has nut-free certification on the jar!
- Brands? Lots. Many of the cheaper ones contain added palm oil and sugar. The better ones don’t, but are more expensive. Have a look at the shelves, consider your budget and go for the best you can afford. Health food shops – high street or online – will often carry a much wider range of brands than the supermarkets although cashew, almond and other types have reached the big chains, hooray!
- Home-made? It’s pretty easy and a lot cheaper, but you do need a hefty food processor or blender! See our Home Made Nut & Seed Butter recipe here
For more info, nutritional and otherwise, check out our Go Nuts feature
Total time
2 minutes
- breakfasts
- sides-light-meals-and-salads
- Nice bread for toasting
- Nut or seed butter of choice
- Bananas, sliced or mashed
- Berries
- Jam
- Yeast extract (not just Marmite, lots of other types…)
- Make the toast. Spread the nut/seed butter as thinly or thickly as you like. Add toppings. Eat!
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