Tofu/Bean Burger with Wedges & Salad, Convenience-style

Another ready-meal that’s actually very healthy! Dragonfly Beany Burgers have been around for years and make a great standby for those busy evenings. They’re a nice ethical company too. Find them in Holland & Barrett, Ocado and other online stores and other independent high street shops. Click here for details
If you can’t get hold of them or fancy something else, never fear! Linda McCartney Quarter Pounders, Fry’s burgers and Vegetarian choice are some of the best known vegan burgers. Most of the supermarkets also now offer a vegan beanburger… just check the label.
Ready to bake potato wedges are also widely available – either white, eg McCain’s or the healthier sweet potato, eg Aunt Bessie’s Sweet Potato Wedges. There are other brands around, including supermarket own-brands – most of these are vegan, just check the packet ingredients as ever!.
Ready-made vegan coleslaw is available at M&S, Ocado and some health food shops. If you have time, grate a bit of white cabbage, carrot and mix in with thinned down vegan mayo – soya or other unsweetened plant milk works well plus a bit of salt and black pepper. Coleslaw is also good with a bit of chopped mild onion, eg spring or red. Or try our lovely Carrot & Beetroot Slaw
Total time
15-20 minutes
- mains
- lunches
- sides-light-meals-and-salads
94 g
15 g
28 g
* Nutritional information per serving. * Using soya/tofu burger will increase the protein content
- 1 bean burgers (of your choice) per person of your choice (they come in packets of two, in several flavours)
- 200 g sweet potato wedges – frozen
- Salad ingredients for burgers: lettuce leaves, tomato, onion, avocado or anything else you fancy
- Wholemeal roll
- Vegan mayo or sauce, eg bbq, tomato, brown
- Preheat the oven according to the instructions on the potato wedges packet.
- Place the wedges on an oven tray or roasting tin and bake.
- Heat the burgers in the oven on another oven tray. Alternatively, fry them in a little oil.
- Prepare any salad and accompaniments.
- When the wedges and burgers are ready, assemble the burger buns, salad, mayo or sauce and burgers. Serve on plates with a portion of wedges per person.
Optional extras / notes
Most of the time is to bake the ready-made wedges in the oven
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