Vegetable Spring Rolls & Superfood Salad

Vegetable Spring Rolls & Superfood Salad

We offer a choice of convenience spring rolls and salads – see the pictures below for a few suggestions. OR you can do a home made version. You choose!

The home-made version is delicious and not difficult. Get all the food and equipment ready, remember to heat the oil in plenty of time – and go for it!

Alternatively, most supermarket spring rolls are suitable for vegans (but do check as sometimes dairy is added). They are best heated in the oven to crisp them up but a microwave will do at a pinch.

For a filling nutritious lunch, serve with avocado, edamame bean (fresh soya), walnut and mixed green leaf salad. Mmmm. Fresh edamame salads are now widely available too.

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Total time

15-40 minutes




  • soups-starters
  • sides-light-meals-and-salads




Ready-made Spring Rolls & Salad

Enough spring rolls to serve, eg 2 per person depending on size of rolls and appetite of diners!
Salad makings: avocado, green leaves, edamame beans, walnuts and vinaigrette OR a ready-made edamame bean salad

Home-made Spring Rolls

  • 12 square spring roll wrappers
  • About 750ml/1¼pts vegetable oil for deep frying
  • 12 toothpicks
  • Coriander leaves to garnish

Filling – home-made

  • 1 tbsp plain oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 50g/2oz bean sprouts
  • 50g/2oz white cabbage, shredded
  • 2 fresh shiitake mushrooms, shredded
  • 20g/¾oz celery (leaf and stalk), finely chopped
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 2 tsp soya sauce
  • 50g/2oz dried bean thread OR rice noodles, soaked, drained and cut into short lengths with scissors

Filling- from ready-mades

  • 1 pack of ready-to-wok stir-fry mix – one that includes beansprouts and mushrooms or whatever you prefer
  • Ready-to-wok egg-free noodles, eg many of Amoy’s range
  • Soya sauce and any other flavourings you like

Dipping Sauces – choose from one of these

Plum Sauce

  • 5 tbsp distilled white vinegar or Chinese rice vinegar
  • 4 tbsp plum jam
  • 1 small fresh red chilli, finely sliced

1. Put vinegar in a small saucepan and heat gently, mixing thoroughly. Remove from heat, turn into a small bowl and allow to cool. Add chilli before serving.

Soya Chilli Sauce

  • 3 tbsp distilled white vinegar or Chinese rice vinegar
  • 3 tbsp dark soya sauce
  • 1½ tsp caster sugar
  • 2 small fresh red chillies, finely sliced – remove seeds if you don’t like very hot food

1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and stir until sugar has dissolved.


Ready-made Spring Rolls & Salad

  1. Heat the oven according to the packet instructions.
  2. Place the spring rolls on an oven tray and heat through.
  3. Meanwhile, make accompaniments. If making the avocado, edamame bean, walnut and mixed green leaf salad…
    1. Steam the edamame beans in the microwave or in a stove-top steamer then rinse them in cold water before serving.
    2. Place the leaves in a bowl, top with the avocado slices, edamame beans and walnuts.
    3. Drizzle with a dressing of your choice, eg vegan mayo or vinaigrette.
  4. Alternatively, use a ready-made edamame salad and add some extras!

Home-made Spring Rolls

  1. Heat the wok and add oil, garlic, bean sprouts, cabbage, mushrooms and celery. If using a ready-to-wok pack, just add the whole lot to the pan.
  2. Stir-fry for 30 seconds, then add sugar, soya sauce and noodles.
  3. Stir-fry for 1 minute, then remove from heat and place ingredients on a plate.
  4. Wipe wok clean with kitchen paper.
  5. Put 1 tbsp of filling on one corner of a spring roll wrapper, then roll it up, wrapping in ends to form a neat tube.
  6. Use a little oil to stick down last corner, then secure roll with a toothpick.
  7. Repeat with remaining wrappers and filling.
  8. Heat oil for deep frying in a wok, pop in a batch of spring rolls and cook over a moderate heat for 3-4 minutes until golden brown on all sides.
  9. Remove from oil with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper.
  10. Repeat with remaining spring rolls.
  11. Remove toothpicks before serving and serve hot, with your chosen dipping sauce in a separate bowl.

Optional extras / notes

  • Less time if using ready-made spring rolls. Adjust quantities according to servings.


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